Better World Arts Christmas Ball - Josette Papajua
Spruce up your tree with these large decorative hand painted and lacquered Christmas Balls, made from recycled paper. Approx 80mm diameter.
The Art -
Based on artwork by Tiwi artist Josette Papajua. During Ceremony on the Tiwi Islands a series of “Yoi”, dances are performed, some are totemic (matrilineal) and others act out newly composed songs. Participants are painted with turtiyanginari (natural ochres) transforming the dancers and protecting them against mapurtiti (spirits). These designs are collectively called Jilamara.
The Artisans -
These decorations are lacquerware, a traditional Kashmiri handicraft, which is made from recycled paper then hand painted by artisans utilising Aboriginal artists' designs.
All products produced by Better World Arts cross cultural projects return royalties to the artists and their communities.