Terms & Conditions
Operator of Site
This site is owned and operated by Joanna Hicks trading as Paper Parrot, located in NSW, Australia (ABN 60 490 743 692).
Trade Practices Act
We are bound by and adhere to the Australian Trade Practices Act.
Copyright and Rights to Reproduce Images
All content featured on this site, including product artwork, is owned by or licenced by Paper Parrot and is protected by copyright, moral rights, trade marks and other intellectual property rights. No portion or element of the site or its content may be copied or reproduced in any form with the exception of where explicitly permitted on the Site, or in the case of product images which may be reproduced on social media sites such as Facebook, on relevant blogs, and on Pinterest provided the source of the image is correctly attributed to this Site.
The use of this site is at your own risk and Paper Parrot limits its liability, where it is entitled to do so, to the resupply or refund of the relevant goods.
The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia, and you and Paper Parrot hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.
Cancellation of Orders
Paper Parrot reserves the right to cancel all or part of an order and refund payment for reasons including but not limited to: fraudulent payments, orders not made in good faith or orders containing incorrect information.
International Shipping
International customers are responsible for any duties and customs charges in their country.