WILDLIFE: Luxe Nature Series (HB)


Whether it’s looking out of the window into our own backyard or exploring in the wilderness, an encounter with a wild animal – from a tiny squirrel to a mighty lion – can bring joy and wonder and brighten anyone’s day.

Immersing yourself in wildlife and nature is good for the soul and for mental health, and has inspired many a writer and commentator over the years. This book combines stunning artworks of animals big and small with quotes about them – some from famous people and others less well-known.

This book takes you on a journey to rainforests, icy wastes and African savannas, exploring the world’s wild creatures and what they can teach us about life.

A decorative book for coffee tables, bookshelves and interior design styling.

ISBN 9781921073557

Luxe Nature Series | Reed New Holland | May 2023 | Hardcover | 128 pages | 16 x 12 cm | 340g



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